Thursday 13 March 2014

Bill O’Reilly Scandalized By Beyoncé’s ‘Partition’ Video.

• You can pretty much expect there will be pressed parties anytime Beyoncé does… well, anything. It’s only natural. But who would have thought that King Bey’s antics would spark the ire of right wing pundit Bill O’Reilly? The
Fox News anchor expressed *GRAVE CONCERN* over Bey’s sexy “Partition” music video (three months later, though? #lateboots), for its raunchy imagery. “That’s art?!” He exclaimed,  ”Beyoncé in the back of a limo having sex and referencing Monica Lewinsky, is art?”, asking his guest, Russell Simmons to explain why a black woman would make a music video about having marital sex with her husband in the back of a limo, when there is such a high rate of unplanned pregnancies amongst “girls of color” who “idolize” her. Chile… I simply cannot with miss Bianca O’Reilly‘s pearl-clutching this afternoon. I’ll let you guys take this one. Peep the clip below and let me know what you think in the comments. (Rolling Stone)
Watch below:


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