Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Peju Famojure for the Coveteur

peju famojure for the coveteur
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11 Peju Famojure for the Coveteur.7 Peju Famojure for the Coveteur.8 Peju Famojure for the Coveteur.9 Peju Famojure for the Coveteur.
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Peju Famojure for the Coveteur.
She says, “I was born and raised in New York, so it’s truly home. I live the part-time life now between New York and Paris. But living in NY makes you street smart, makes you feel uncomfortable at times and just pushes you to get out there. I love that the city gives you a memory everyday…I stumbled into fashion by chance honestly. My teen fashion choices were influenced by where I grew up in New York, and specifically Harlem hip hop fashion. I wore a lot of Tommy Hilfiger, Coogi, Iceberg, and Versace in those formative years. I can admit I was really trendy and shopping in Soho was a big deal. But I didn’t aim to pursue a career in fashion. I was pre-med but just based on my appearance alone (6 feet tall and svelte and trendy). I was encouraged by my peers that I should give it a go. I guess they saw potential. And I ended up falling in love with the ever-changing industry and fast pace.”
Read more here.
Images: The Coveteur

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