First things first: Thou shall not come for Solange.
The Seat at the Table singer is featured as the cover star for the recent issue of the Evening Standard, but had an epic clap back for the outlet photoshopped the top of her blonde mane, removing a towering braided sphere above her head.
“dtmh,” she captioned the photo on Instagram, which is an acronym for her hit song, “Don’t Touch My Hair.”
Solange posted the photo to her Instagram account on Thursday and added several photos to her Instastories, one of featured a hand drawn gold ring above her head in place of the missing braid.
The London based magazine initially posted their version of the cover early Thursday morning, where you can clearly see that the singer’s braid was removed.

In the article, Solange went to great lengths to describe the significance of braided styles and its connection to the African heritage. She also went to great detail to discuss the impact of growing up in her mother’s salon in Houston, Texas, highlighting her reminiscent quote in her Instagram stories.
“I got to experience women arriving in one state of mind and leaving in a completely transformed way. It wasn’t just about the hair. It was about the sisterhood and the storytelling,” Knowles said in the interview.

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