It’s an undeniable fact that positive thinking can produce positive outcomes in life. Most strategies for successful living have their origin in conquering the initial battlefield of the mind. Mixed with imagination, faith, and steadfast expectation, thoughts can grow into powerful visions that eventually serve as blueprints for future achievements. But it all begins in the mind.
Far too often this time of year, we are inundated with the need to consume more material items. There is absolutely nothing wrong with desiring and acquiring more, as long as it doesn’t feed a sense of inadequacy. Many times, people are overwhelmed by holiday expectations, and perhaps the loss of someone dear to them, which can quickly lead many to an emotionally unhealthy place.
During these moments, it’s easy to look at life from the perspective of the proverbial glass being half empty. The beauty and joy of this season can easily be clouded by pessimistic thoughts set on replay. But the truth is, if we stop for a moment to think about what we have accomplished, overcome, and endured all year long, we all have a tremendous amount to celebrate. We may even discover that for the past 300+ days we’ve been growing, winning, and gaining more than we ever actually imagined. Truthfully, for some, reflection reveals that life’s glass is more than half full, it’s brimming to the top; maybe even overflowing!
Focusing our time and energy on what we already have is the perfect way to calm the anxieties that tend to overwhelm us. If the loss of a loved one is clouding your ability to find hope during this time of year, hold fast to the memories you do have. Let your thoughts be optimistic, remembering that there is always a silver lining.
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