Wednesday 5 February 2014

Nick Cannon Blasts Google.

Google posted a “Google Doodle” of Harriet Tubman for Black History Month . It displayed a cartoon version of Harriet, holding a lantern. What was meant to be an iconic image, catalyzing a declaration of pride, outrage spread across the internet as people began sharing the striking image. But it was Nick Cannon’s Instagram of disdain that gained the most attention.
“Really Google??? This is the way we are kicking off Black History Month. #UndergroundSearchEngine #WhoApprovedThis #WhySheRockingALouieVscarf #AmIJustBeingSensitive #FeelingSomeTypeOfWay #RacistMuch”
Take a look below at Harriet Tubman's picture:

 Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman, a Civil War abolitionist, is credited with rescuing more than 300 slaves via the Underground Railroad after she herself escaped from slavery, and began her life as a free woman in Philadelphia in 1849.
My biggest question is–Black History Month is a short month, and there’s enough amazing Black history to offer an entire month of inspirational Google Doodles. There is no Google Doodle at all today, nor was there one yesterday or the day before. Now that is something worth complaining over.
Are you offended by Harriet Tubman’s Google Doodle or proud?

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