Monday 10 February 2014

T.I. Tells Tiny To Put Her @$% Away On Instagram…Is It Controlling Or Caring?

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Tiny has been posting a lot of fun-in-the-sun vacation shots lately and many of those photos include her displaying her abnormally large rump and T.I.’s not having it.

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Tiny’s husband responded to her latest booty snapshot, saying:
U have so much more going for u other than your a$. Although it is magnificent, I think u should spend just as much time showcasing those other things as u do ya booty..awesome pic luv.
And Tiny responded:
I wasn’t showing off my ass in this pic it was about my waist..u just looking at the ass bae! U no I wasn’t saying getting my sh-t together about my ass now don’t u? But glad u like it bae.

These two lovebirds have been given the name the “Hip Hop Huxtables” and have recently made headlines for divorce rumors and we’ve been thinking those rumors aren’t too far from the truth, after seeing the two have a little tiff during the 2014 Grammys, hearing rumors about a secret baby and Tiny recently spotted not wearing her ring, but they maintain that their relationship is strong and their bond is unbreakable.
It shows when T.I. took to Tiny’s Instagram to express his disdain in his wife displaying her lady lumps all over the internet. “U have so much more going for u than your a$%,” T.I. expressed. It was endearing, cute and proved that this man loves his wife enough to compliment her and chastise her at the same time, but on the flip side, it also shows that T.I. has no qualms with expressing himself to his wife publicly. When you put your loved one on blast in front of the world, you want it to be known that you’re the man and you have a certain level of control over your partner.
Rumors have surfaced claiming that T.I. is indeed controlling over Tiny and this leads me to wondering–is T.I.controlling Tiny’s actions on social media or is he just a caring husband who doesn’t want his wife’s lady parts spread all over Instagram?
 So what do you think beauties–as a wife and mother, does your husband reserve the right to tell you what to post and what not to post on social media? Or how to show up in public? Sound off in the comments below!

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