Thursday 4 June 2015

Save or Splurge: All the Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Your Next Major Purchase

ESC, Should I Save or Splurge
To splurge or not to splurge? That is the question.
Frankly, i am tired of spending an hour—or more—in the dressing room mulling it over. We're avid fans of celebrity style, but let's be honest: Our pockets don't run that deep. Plus, the thought of making another trip to return something we might not like a month from now is just annoying. Then again, if a new designer bag or skin-restoring luxury cream will bring you happiness, why not? YOLO!
Oh, the indecision…ain't nobody has time for it.

Here to help, I present you with all the questions you need to ask yourself before making a major purchase. Factoring in impulse buys, outside influences and practical justifications like your financial well-being, we boil any uncertainty down to the brass tacks.
So, should you splurge? Follow this infographic to see, but fair warning: You may not like the result.

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