Wednesday 4 December 2013

Beyoncé & Jay Z Go Vegan For 22 Days.

Beyonce, Jay-Z
Beyoncé and Jay Z's 22-day challenge continues—and so far, so good.
The power couple revealed yesterday via Hov's Life + Times blog that they will be going vegan for the next 22 days!
Bey and Jay started their new journey at Real Food Daily—a restaurant that serves organic vegan cuisine—yesterday in Los Angeles.
An eyewitness tells E! News, "The couple were sweet together, affectionate, jolly & in a positive vibe," and added, "They were gracious, humble and excited to be there to begin their first day of their 22-day plant-based cleanse. They were also very thankful for the service."

The pair, who were joined by Solangé and two gentleman, enjoyed multiple dishes during their hour-and-a-half stay. Beyoncé ordered the Spicy BLT wrap & loved the tempeh bacon. She also ordered the Lentil Walnut Plate, while Jay Z ordered their Mediterranean Bowl.
The whole table got fresh organic juice and also ordered cups of the soup of the day, "Lima Bean & Squash," along with sharing some Sea Cake, Kung Pao, The Great Cardini salad, Supreme Burrito and a Veggie Wrap with mushrooms.
"Jay Z brought up that the couple were on a 22-day plant-based spiritual cleanse and that their friend recommended Real Food Daily for their first day," the source tells us. A waiter "discussed how a plant-based diet is a conscious choice, benefitting the body and the world at whole, and Hova thanked the server as they were leaving for making their experience "special."Beyonce, Jay-Z, Instagram
Queen B and Jay Z continued going strong today.
Joined by a small group of friends, the twosome decided to spend Jay's birthday lunch at Cafe Gratitude in Los Angeles, another famous vegan spot.
Although their meals were not revealed, Bey shared a photo of their spread on Instagram, and an insider tells us that the celebs indulged in some chocolate truffles for dessert. There were no presents or big birthday song sung at the lunch, but the source tells E! News, "They were great! They were happy. They had lunch, had a good time, and left."
"Psychologists have said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. On the 22nd day, you've found the way," Jay Z wrote on his blog yesterday. "On December 3, one day before my 44th birthday, I will embark on a 22 Days challenge to go completely vegan, or as I prefer to call it, plant-based! This all began a few months back when a good friend and vegan challenged me to embrace a 'plant-based breakfast' every day. It was surprisingly easier on me than I thought."
Two days down, 20 more to go!

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