Tuesday 21 January 2014

Miroslava Duma and Dasha Zhukova Apologize for Black Bondage Chair-Gate.

um, YIKES.
um, YIKES.
• Today’s apology for abhorrent behavior comes from the folks at Buro 24/7, for the image of Garage magazine editor-in-chief Dasha Zhukova sitting on a chair made to look like a black woman in bondage. Hear ye, from the mouth (or rather, keypad) of Miroslava Duma: “Buro 24/7 team and I personally would like to express our sincerest apology to anyone who we have offended and hurt,” she wrote on Instagram. “It was ABSOLUTELY not our intention. We are against racism or gender inequality or anything that infringes upon anyone’s rights. We love, respect and look up to people regardless of their race, gender or social status. The chair in the photo should only be seen as a piece of art which was created by British Pop-Artist Allen Jones, and not as any form of racial discrimination. [ed. note: too bad, that's exactly what it is!] In our eyes, everyone is equal. And we love everybody”  Dasha Zhukova has also come out with an apology of her own:“I regret allowing an artwork with such charged meaning to be used in this context. I utterly abhor racism and would like to apologize to those offended by my participation in this shoot. Garage Magazine has a strong track record of promoting diversity and racial and gender equality in the worlds of art and fashion, and will continue in our mission to stir positive debate on these and other issues.” What do you think? (Styleite, @Miraduma)

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