Sunday, 29 November 2015

The Greatest Gift Ever By Majorie Harvey
I recently saw a Mercedes commercial I thought was quite amusing. The parents played the traditional role of the children and vise versa, on Christmas morning. Mom and dad anxiously tried to awaken the kids so they could all go downstairs together to open the highly anticipated gifts they had been waiting all year to open. The kids were sluggish and wanted mostly to stay in bed, but seeing their parents excitement, they acquiesced, insisting on coffee first.

Once armed with their morning cup of Joe, the children followed their parents outside, where the two celebratory adults, jumped enthusiastically around their new luxury automobile. It was a fun illustration of how as adults, we experience childlike joy when we receive a deeply desired gift.
It suddenly dawned on me that while there are so many extravagant things we would all love to receive this coming holiday season, perhaps the greatest, most extravagant gift is the gift of another chance.gift2
Each day we’re alive, we receive this gift. We’ve all heard the saying that “right now is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present”. It’s so true. As the biggest gift giving season approaches, remember that the true meaning of the holidays is wrapped up in the miracle of this wonderful gift, given to every generation.  Regardless of whether you receive the material things you desire or not, if you’re breathing, you’ve already been given the greatest gift ever: another chance to get things right! 😉

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