Thursday 6 March 2014

American Apparel’s Latest Campaign Features A Topless Former Muslim Bengali Model.

Fashion Bomb Daily American-Apparel-Campaign-Topless-Bangladesh
• American Apparel has unveiled yet another controversial campaign, this time casting a Bengali model to post toples with the words “Made in Bangladesh” emblazoned across her chest, barely hiding her nipples. The model, Maks, is actually a merchandiser for American Apparel, who was born in Bangladesh to a traditionally Muslim family, and moved to the United States when she was four. She strictly followed her religion until high school, where she “[forged] her own identity,”  leaving behind many  Muslim traditions, as you can obviously see in the above photo. “She has found some elements of Southern California culture to be immediately appealing, but is striving to explore what lies beyond the city’s superficial pleasures,” reads the accompanying text. “She doesn’t feel the need to identify herself as an American or a Bengali and is not content to fit her life into anyone else’s conventional narrative. That’s what makes her essential to the mosaic that is Los Angeles, and unequivocally, a distinct figure in the ever expanding American Apparel family.” Although it remains to be seen, I think the image might cause a stir amongst members of the Muslim community. Of course, we have to wait and see the reactions, as the ad is brand new. Click over to ELLE to see the NSFW image. (ELLE)

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