Tuesday 25 March 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Skin Care Routine, Explains What "Oil Pulling" Is & Why She Swears By it.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Restorsea
As the new face of natural skincare line Restorsea, Gwyneth Paltrow has a whole lot goin' on. Lucky for us, E!'s own Zanna Roberts Rassi had the chance to sit down with the Renaissance woman extraordinaire and talk about Restorsea, her undying love of natural products and her beauty routine—or lack thereof. And then there's this gem: Gwyneth finally explains exactly what "oil pulling" is and why she swears by it. Hint: the results sound way better than the process.

How did you discover Restorsea?It was sent to me. I get a lot of things sent but this one stood out. I loved the smell; it wasn't floral, which I find off putting. I started using it and noticed a difference quickly in my skin tone. When looking into the company more, I learned it was started by a woman...I loved that it was a woman! I am all about that, ways to empower women. We call it the "Fempire" here in the Goop office. I won't ever endorse anything I don't fully believe in.

How important to you is it to use natural ingredients in products?I really think it's important. I will rely and have relied on things in the past that aren't 100 percent natural—like if you are going get lasers to get rid of sunspots, that's not a natural product. So I always think a mix is good, but it's very important that what you put on your skin is natural, because it's so readily absorbed into your system and there are so many unregulated chemicals in our products—more so in America than any other country, and so I always try to look for natural or organic product.
What's your daily beauty routine?It's very minimal. After I drop my kids, I always exercise and then I take a shower and I basically just put on moisturizer—and that's kind of it. If I have a meeting or something I'll put on some mascara, but that's as far as I go.
No foundations or any cosmetics?No, I just I never do. I've been getting my makeup put on for me since I was 20 years-old, so I never learned how to do it, and I'm really bad at it.
I'd say that's a really good problem to have!That's why I have to keep my skin looking good. Thank god for Restorsea.

Which makeup artists do you typically work with?I use a bunch of different people in London, and I use a girl named Emma Lovell. In Los Angeles I use Kate Lee or Angela Levine or Leslie Lopez.
They're all great.Yeah, I sleep around.
Do they use natural products when it comes to makeup?No, you really can't always, you know? I do it for the red carpet, but I wouldn't do it every day.
Do you have any skin care tips or tricks for readers?I believe, for me, doing some cardio vascular exercise everyday is really good for my skin for detoxification and skin tone and color. I do the Tracy Anderson method, so I dance for an hour.

What about any favorite DIY skin treatments?I use coconut oil a lot I do on my face, on my skin and in my cooking. And I just started "oil puling," which is when you swish coconut oil around [in your mouth] for 20 minutes, and it's supposed to be great for oral health and making your teeth white. It's supposed to clear up your skin, as well.
Interesting! How does it taste?
It's really interesting; it's an ancient, ancient technique. I read about it on the Internet.
Goop seems to be growing and growing. What's next for you guys?Well, we are just trying to do exactly that and grow. We're redesigning the site right now, and we want to get more daily content. We've done it slowly, and we're not making money or anything so we're slow growers. We're just getting to a stage now where we can hire some more people and just kind of scale it.

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