Friday 3 January 2014

Miley Cyrus Did Not Throw Shade At Beyoncé In Love Magazine.

The Beyhive was buzzing with shock and outrage yesterday when an alleged quote from Miley Cyrus‘s upcoming Love magazine issue surfaced, in which the twerkin’ ex-Disney star said that Beyoncé’s time in the spotlight is over, and that she has come to take her place. I shudder at the thought! Apparently, the Daily Mail published this quote, claiming it was directly from Miley in the still-to-be-released article: “As Beyoncé grows in motherhood and all the crap it does to your body, it will create a vacuum for fresh young faces to rise up and no one else can properly fill that void right now. I’m the only white female singer that could fill that slot right now and do it right, you know… Beyoncé has been a big inspiration to me but she’s been out for such a long time.” She continues in the excerpt, “I got the total package, you know, the curves, the rhythm, and the voice. I’m just the best.”  Well fear not my little Beybies: Miley Cyrus is not so delusional as to compare herself to one of the best entertainers in the business. She promptly took to twitter to deny having ever made such ridiculous claims: “How are people allowed to make up sh*t & then put quotes around it saying I said that sh*t! WTF!!?!” She continued, “don’t worry. getting 2 the bottom of this sh*t. making the liar retract the statement. U can cause ALOT of drama but NOT between me & B!” Certainly not! According to Cyrus, the bogus quote was apparently made up by some writer at the Daily Mail, who has since taken down the article. (Miley Cyrus Twitter, Huffington Post)

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