Friday 10 July 2015

Keeping Fit: A Guide To Stay In Shape When Out Of Town

One of the best parts about summer is the ability to travel (even just in your own city). Trips of any length are generally relaxing and rejuvenating, like hitting the refresh button on life. That being said, it can seem challenging to stay on track with diet and exercise when on vacation, especially if you don’t have a gym. We turned to Lana Ector, certified personal trainer and nutritionist, for some tips on staying in shape while venturing out of town. Ector is a creative mastermind when it comes to using your own body as a workout tool—regardless of where your summer may take you.

Even in the smallest of hotel rooms you can surely find a bit of space for some push-ups and jumping jacks. Push-ups tone your entire up body, while also leaning out your arms (read: Michelle Obama’s guns.) Jumping jacks are an easy way to raise your heart rate for cardio in a small space—no treadmill required!
For an effective but swift workout, find a patch of grass and do some jump squats. Dip your body down into a squat position, and then jump up vertically. After three sets of 20, you’ll be dripping in sweat. Grass is an ideal type of surface for this move since harder surfaces can aggravate your knees. While this is a full body move, it especially targets the glutes. Your bathing suit bottoms will thank you.
An uneven surface like sand takes a simple exercise like running to the next level. Lana recommends alternating running quickly for 30 seconds with 30 second breaks in between. This workout is ideal for cutting fat and seeing quick results. After all, we’re right in the middle of crop top season.
Jogging in water is common for injury rehabilitation, but it can also be a very effective workout. Water is thicker than air, meaning you will definitely feel the resistance when moving around the pool. Go ahead and take a nap on a pool float after you finish—you deserve it!

East Coast, West Coast, or anywhere in between, grab your BFF or partner and go for a brisk walk. Every step counts! Even better, this is a great way to see a city’s sites while also burning calories.
On a side note, Ector recommends planning ahead whenever possible so that you are able to stay in a hotels with a gym. In addition, scout your destination for healthy restaurants nearby. Time to get your move on, ladies. No excuses!
-Casey Sharbaugh is the blogger behind

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