Wednesday 8 July 2015

Move Over, Kanye West! Sad Drake at Wimbledon Is Here to Steal Your Thunder

Drake, Wimbledon
Drake has a very nice life. He's a super successful rapper. He has a (kind of new) amazing body. And he has a giant mansion called The YOLO Estate where he throws totally insane pool parties.
Wimbledon is also great. It features the best tennis players in the world. Attendees get to laze around in their Sunday best in a beautiful country club setting. There are Pimm's Cups and champagne with strawberries.

So it would only make sense that if you are Drake and you are at Wimbledon, life literally could not be better, right? Wrong. Life is not great for Drake at Wimbledon right now; life is very, very sad. And how do we know this? There is visual evidence.

The rapper is currently across the pond, taking time out of his busy schedule of pumping iron and YOLO-ing to attend the tennis tournament. He's done everything that a #blessed Wimbledon attendee does: Sit in a fancy box, watch the best matches, hobnob with the tennis stars themselves. There is literally no reason to be sad when you are hugging world champion Novak Djokovic, yet sad he is.
Above, see Sad Drake sit in his luxury box.
Here, see Sad Drake stroll the grounds of the All-England Club, presumably heading either to or from his luxury box.
Drake, Wimbledon Neil Mockford/Alex Huckle/GC Images
I am not sure what exactly it is that's gotten Drake so sad, but i have good reason to think it's the same affliction that's been plaguing Kanye all these years. Maybe Drake has finally decided to take their semi-imaginary feud to the next level and prove that he, Champagne Papi, is the saddest one of all.
YOLO, right?

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