Friday 28 August 2015

Take A Much-Needed Mental Break With These Cool Apps.

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Source: Peopleimages / Getty
Taking breaks during the workday is necessary for continued mental health. We have all have those moments when we aimlessly stare at our computer screens. Some of us find refuge from the mundane tasks of everyday life by pulling out our smartphones or tablets to inconspicuously play a game or two. Some of us may have also contemplated crawling under our desks, just for a 10 minute nap or moment alone to gather our thoughts.
With work piling up on our desks, there are means of “stepping away from the desk” without even moving your feet. These methods increase memory, speed up problem solving capabilities, increase our attention spans and flexibility in thinking. Brain training websites, games, and applications are now the new wave of “physical fitness” for the brain which can provide brief periods of fun, escape, and positive reinforcement for skills needed on the job.
Here are three brain training apps to check out, when you need to “check out”:

Luminosity is considered as a play ground for the brain. It is offered by iTunes, Google Play and also on their website Most of the games can be contoured based upon how you are performing, and what areas you would like to improve on. This app is noted to be especially beneficial for those seeking to improve brain memory and also increase memory, speed and problem solving capabilities.
Brain Workshop is known to “improve short term memory and brain fluidity.” It is free and accessible on both Mac and Windows PCs. Within the game, you are required to remember a series of spoken letters followed by squares in specific positions on the screen. It was developed based upon the Dual N-Back training, which is a form or mental training intended to expand your working memory.
Elevate is perfect for those who know specifically what they would like to improve in terms of brain function and capacity (i.e. – either problem-solving skills or information retention). There is an initial short form test, and then an option to choose either 3, 5, or 7 sessions per week, which are tailored to your goals.
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