Friday, 23 December 2016

Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae for Essence February 2017

Omg #HiddenFigures was soooooooo good! The sense of #pride I felt leaving the theater as a black woman was incredible!

Dorothy, #OctaviaSpencer's character, reminded me of my mother so much. She stood on the right side of right even when that meant standing alone. She was proactive in her approach and worked to bring her team with her in her pursuits. What an example of #leadership. 
Then Mary-- #JanelleMonae wore this role out! I loved her. Sassy, sweet and smart. She did her research and was more than prepared to FIGHT for the position that she was more than qualified for yet was being withheld from her unjustly. 
And of course the main character of @hiddenfiguresmovie, #TarajiPHenson's Katherine was endearing, lady-like and a beast with them numbers! She got the opportunity of a lifetime and showed up and showed out. She made the decision makers take notice and earned her spot in a work environment where "tradition" trumped ability. 
I feel so #empowered and I'm very grateful this story has made it to the big screen. Finally, a black history movie that makes us feel good about being black and not feel like victims. I loved it! 
It hits select theaters on #Christmas Day, but you can catch it EVERYWHERE Jan. 6th. Please support so that we can see more films that uplift us moving forward. We, the consumer, hold the #power đŸ™đŸœ #bobbypensmoviemeetup #hiddenfiguresdc
Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae for Essence February 2017.

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