Thursday 4 December 2014

ServedFresh’s I Can Breathe and WHYPD Tees.

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Sometimes, as a fashion site, I feel powerless to weigh in on current events and political uprisings due to the somewhat superficial nature of my core subject matter.
That said, when I can take a stand, I can, from boycotting Black Friday to wearing items that can express my dismay, anger, and disappointment with America's legal system.
Today’s special falls right in line, with ServedFresh’s I Can Breathe Crewneck:

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The piece was developed in response to the tragic murder by chokehold of Eric Garner, after a grand jury declined to indict his killer (read the story here). Eric Garner said, “I can’t Breathe,” as several officers piled onto him, slamming him to the ground, and ultimately killing him.
servedfresh i can't breathe i can breathe fashion bomb daily
According to Served Fresh, the fallen letter ‘T’ on the shirt, “ represents the chalk line most familiar in homicide investigations and protestor picket signs. This tees encourages ALL to reclaim their proverbial ‘breath’ by peaceful and effective protest.” 30% of all sales will go to Eric Garner’s family. They also have two WHYPD tees as part of their initiative.
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Some on Instagram have said that the release of this t-shirt is too soon. ServedFresh’s response? “Our goal is to raise awareness, encourage and enlighten.”
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If you’re interested in the cause, purchase the I Can Breathe Crewnecks and their WHYPD tees on
servedfresh fashion bomb daily eric garner whypd_grey_crew_original_front_1024x1024
What do you think?

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