Friday 14 February 2014

Drake Apologizes for Criticizing Rolling Stone on Giving Cover to Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Drake, Grammys
Drake wants to "clear the air."
Just one day after he tweeted (and then later deleted) his frustration over Rolling Stone's decision to replace him with Philip Seymour Hoffman on the cover of its latest issue, the rapper took to his blog on Friday and posted an apology.
"I completely support and agree with Rolling Stone replacing me on the cover with the legendary Philip Seymour Hoffman," he wrote. "He is one of the most incredible actors of our time and a man that deserves to be immortalized by this publication. My frustration stemmed from the way it was executed.

"The circumstances at hand are completely justifiable (on the magazine's behalf), but I was not able to salvage my story or my photos and that was devastating. They ran the issue without giving me a choice to be in it or not. I would have waited until it was my time because I understand the magnitude of the cover they chose but I just wasn't given that option and that made me feel violated."

Drake added, "I apologize to anybody who took my initial comments out of context because in no way would I ever want to offend the Hoffman family or see myself as bigger than that moment."
It was on Thursday when the 27-year-old artist claimed Rolling Stone "took my cover from me last minute" and how he was "disgusted with that."
Drake concluded his blog post on Friday by saying, "I once again apologize to everybody who took my cover comments the wrong way. I respect Rolling Stone for being willing to give a kid from Toronto a shot at the cover. I guess this is a day to learn and grow."

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