Sunday 27 March 2016

The Beauty of Spring By Majorie Harvey
Every season has its pros and cons, but there is no denying the beauty of spring. All winter long, harsh winds and bitter precipitation cause most of us to hibernate, hiding away from the unforgiving cold. The world around us loses a bit of its luster with barren trees, withered landscapes, and shortened time in the sun. But the arrival of spring serves as a stimulating reminder that whether we ever see it or not, things hidden from the naked eye have been developing, growing, fighting (for our benefit) to come to fruition. When applied to the metaphorical seasons in our life, this principle can serve as a tremendous inspiration.

Stark, desolate, and, at times, dreary, winter can symbolically render feelings of struggle, isolation, and even hopelessness. Summer, with its burst of sun, can render scorching, arid realities that lend themselves to fatigue, exhaustion, and the sense of being personally taxed beyond measure. Fall, while less extreme than summer or winter, visually reminds us with its turning leaves that everything must change, and, oftentimes, seasons as well as things we love must inevitably come to an end. But unlike any of the other seasons, spring brings with it a great sense of hope, promise, and a leaping sense of possibility.
We watch as flowers burst into bloom and other forms of vegetation return for an exciting annual showing. More than any other season, spring symbolizes warmth after the proverbial cold, growth after periods of purging or stagnation, and, most importantly, life after death. This, my friend, is the beauty of spring. From my heart to yours…Happy spring! Happy Easter!

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