Saturday 15 February 2014

Beyoncé's Trainer Talks Star's Vegan Diet, Jay Z Joining Her During Workouts.

You may recall back in December Jay Z and Beyoncé went on a vegan diet for 22 days. The singer's shared photos of her various meat-free meals on Instagram, and the duo were spotted at several of Los Angeles' famous vegetarian hot spots.
Well, now we've got even more details on the couples' meal plan. E! News recently caught up with Bey's personal trainer and CEO of 22 Days Nutrition, Marco Borges.
Borges says he met Jay Z about seven years ago through Pharrell Williams and has been working with the rapper and his wife since.  "She is all about health and wellness," he shared. "She just wants to feel good."

 Beyonce, Instagram
Despite dining out quite a lot while on her vegan binge, Borges says Bey's go-to snack was actually "the 22Days Nutrition bars. Her favorite flavors are Peanut Chocolate-Chip Nirvana, Cherry Chocolate Bliss and Pineapple Chocolate-Chip Wonder."
And if you're wondering what the Grammy winner's current diet is like, Marco shares: "The transition [from vegan] was fairly easy, because [now] she's sticking to a mostly plant-based diet with some fish here and there."

 Beyonce, iam.beyonce
As for her workout, yes, Mrs. Carter does put in quite a bit of work to maintain her bootylicious shape, including "body-weight squats, lunges and pliés, along with plyometric exercises and sprint intervals."
The singer and her hubby don't just diet together, they also hit the gym together. "They're like every other couple, they love spending time together, they'll work out together whenever its possible, whenever their touring schedules allow. They'll absolutely jump in the gym together whenever they can, she'll be running and he'll be on a bike, or she'll be jumping rope and he'll be running."
All together now: Awww!

Okay, so here's the million dollar question: What do two Grammy-winning superstars listen to during a sweat session?
"They listen to everything. Jay really feels that music shouldn't have genres, it's either good or bad. They have great playlists, if they were DJ's they'd get paid millions," says Marco, adding Queen Bey's hit sometimes make the mix too. "If one of her songs comes on she'll sing along."
We do too, Bey!

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