Tuesday 17 December 2013

Beyoncé's Self-Title Album Part 2 "Finding the Beauty in Imperfection".

Beyoncé is a role model to her fans for a reason.
Along with Bey being an absolutely gorgeous and extremely talented superstar, she's also real and honest. The celeb is always offering insight and wisdom that helps spread positivity to the Beyhive. And her latest video is the perfect example of that.
In a video posted earlier today on YouTube titled "'Self-Titled' Part 2 . Imperfection," Bey explains the life lesson she was taught at a young age, and encourages her fans to find the beauty in their imperfections.
Watch vid below:


"I feel like something about the aggression of 'Bow Down' and the attitude of 'Flawless'—the reality is, sometimes you lose. And you're never too good to lose, you're never too big to lose, you're never too smart to lose, it happens. And it happens when it needs to happen. And you have to embrace those things," she said.

"My message behind this album was finding the beauty in imperfection," Queen B continued. "I had this image of a trophy and me accepting these awards, and kinda training myself to be this champion and at the end of the day when you go through all of these things, is it worth it?
"You get this trophy, and you're like, 'I basically starved. I have neglected all of the people I love, I conformed to what everybody else thinks I should be. And I have this trophy. What does that mean?' The trophy represents all of the sacrifices that I made as a kid. All of the time that I lost being on the road and in the studios as a child and I just wanna blow that shit up."

Beyoncé admits that although she's grateful for her success and the statues that represent that, they don't come close to the actual moments in life that she finds most rewarding.
"I have a lot of awards and I have a lot of these things that are amazing and I worked my ass off. I worked harder than probably anyone I know to get those things. But nothing feels like my child saying, 'Mommy!' Nothing feels like when I look my husband [Jay Z] in the eyes.
"Nothing feels like I'm respected, when I get on the stage and see I'm changing people's lives. Those are the things that matter, and at this point in my life, that's what I'm striving for. Growth. Love. Happiness. Fun. Enjoy your life, it's short. That's the message."

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