Tuesday 17 December 2013

How To Eat Right For Your Blood Type: Tailor Your Diet To Your Body.

Did you know that the type of blood you have flowing through your veins can have a direct effect on the size jeans you wear? Well according to Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, our blood type is a road map to our entire inner chemistry.
Fitness expert Mark Moon cosigns this school of thought too and uses similar philosophies to help his clients see results. So are you tired of trying on fad diet after the next? Then get ready to kiss all other restricting regimens goodbye with Mark Moon’s Blood Type Diet.

What’s Blood Got To Do With It?

The blood type diet in based on the studies of naturopathic physician Dr. D’Adamo. This revolutionary new way to eat and live is an excellent source for individuals trying to lose or simply maintain their weight. Since it shows us how our blood type processes food, handles stress and fights disease differently- this option is easy to follow and chemically legit. So here’s the deal- all foods are broken down into three categories for each blood type being- foods that are “BENEFICIAL which act as a medicine to our bodies” “NEUTRAL which act as food for our bodies/do no harm” or “AVOID which can act as a poison to our bodies causing a range or issues like allergies, inflammation, bad skin, lack of energy just to name a few,” advises Moon.
The Benefits Of Going With The Flow
So here are the pros to know-
1) Once you know what foods are best, and which ones to avoid, it doesn’t really feel like you are on a diet. Therefore it becomes very easy to make it a part of your everyday life. Hello long lasting results.
2) Calorie counting is so last season. When it comes to the blood type diet and food choices there are also recommendations to the amounts or protein, carbs and fats that should be consumed on a daily basis. Its not about counting calories. It is about making sure that the “type” of calories you consume are the right ones for you!
 Things To Know About Your Specific Flow
Blood type O – The most common of all the blood types. Folks with type O blood do well on a higher meat protein diet due to their higher levels of stomach acid. They are usually more carb intolerant than other blood types therefore need lower carbohydrates. In regard to exercise, a HIIT training program (think interval training) delivers excellent results.
Blood type A – This blood type is rather opposite to blood type O. Due to their very low amount of stomach acid this type of flow doesn’t do well on red meat. “I find that a lot of people misunderstand  that type A means being a vegetarian” says Moon. It doesn’t. “It simply means avoid red meat.” Having said that, type A blood types do better on a higher carbohydrate diet, with lower amounts of protein and fats. When it comes to physical training, the guidelines for type A is to incorporate more Yoga, Pilates and meditation into their regimen. However don’t skimp out on strength training just yet- just know it doesn’t need to be as “balls to the wall” as type O’s sweat session.
Blood type B – “I believe this blood type to be the luckiest of all,” says Moon. People with blood type B tend to do best on a balanced workout program, combining elements of everything. However slightly more on the intense side of things. Variety and balance is essential for B types. However if your blood type is AB you should “incorporate the same balance as type B, however the difference here is to be slightly on the less intense side of things,” Moon suggests.
Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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