Saturday 18 January 2014

Battle Of The Bulge: Top 5 Secret Weapons To Fight Cellulite.

Cottage cheese may be fun to eat, but according to majority of the female population, it is not so fun to see! In fact, research indicates that up to 90 percent of women have cellulite. So unless you are amongst that dimple-free 10 percent, keep reading in order to find out how to smooth those undesirable lumps out once and for all.

What In The World Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is simply this–a collection of fat that expands and pushes against the connective tissue of our skin ladies. Another female woe, I know. Men are usually exempt from cottage cheese thighs since their top layer of fat is held together by an organized network of elastic bands that run diagonally. Our bands however, run vertically. And over time–with age–they lose their elasticity and pow: here comes little pockets of fat poking through. Hello cellulite. Now you see why those fat-prone areas like the buttocks, thighs and stomach look the way they do? Don’t cry.
You know I keep it real with y’all, so I hate to say that I have some bad news: You can’t cure cellulite. Wait, don’t flip out just yet, because while you can’t get rid of it, you can reduce it. Don’t worry it’s not your fault. It’s your momma’s and your daddy’s, actually. The elastic bands that help keep the superficial fat from poking out and causing dimples comes from both your mom and dad’s genes. Plus, each person inherits a tendency to deposit fat in certain areas–which plays a role in how much cellulite they get. No wonder I have these same thighs like my momma! But I am going to help you win the fight against cellulite! Here’s my top five secrets!

#1 Dream Cream
I know you have some cellulite cream in your bathroom cabinets right now girl. No shame. But is it the right kind? Once again, there is nothing you can rub on your thighs to make them smooth, but cellulite creams that are caffeine-based are the best in the game.A recent Brazilian study showed that caffeine-based creams do in fact minimize the appearance of cellulite. The study treated the lower bodies of 99 women who used a topical caffeine based cream twice daily for 30 days. When researchers took their subjects’ measurements at the end of the study, more than 80 percent of the women had a reduction in the circumference of their upper and lower thighs, and nearly 68 percent also reduced their hip measurements. But here’s the twist–the results only last as long as you use the cream.
#2 Eat Up & Firm Up
The quickest way to smooth out the appearance of your skin is to grub on sulfur-packed foods such as green and black olives, cucumbers and celery. These foods are known to turn things up in the collagen department. Also vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A may have the same effect. So be sure to incorporate more raw carrots, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes into your weekly food plan too boo.

#3 Kick Up The Cardio
40 to 60 minutes six days a week never hurt nobody. By deliberately including repetitive activities that target the areas where you may have the most cellulite you can let those fat cells know they need to move on over. Literally. The tighter the skin, the less visible fat (and dimples) are. So bike or run to target those thighs or try rowing and boxing for a smoother bra line in the back sis.
#4 Lift Heavy
The average woman loses five pounds of muscle and replaces it with 10 to 15 pounds of fat every decade of adult life. Geez Louise! Since fat is exceptionally soft it doesn’t keep skin taut like muscle does. It also takes up more space – so it bulges out. Therefore  a proper weight-lifting plan can reduce cellulite and make your body look smoother. So what do you say…are you down to ditch those 3lb weights or what?

#5 It’s Time For The Circulator
Cellulite can be made worse by age, weight gain or a sedentary lifestyle. So while you may not be up for a marathon, those marathon sit sessions have to go. Add activity into your day and keep blood circulation moving by taking 10-minute stretch breaks at the top of every hour. And while you are at it, down some good old H2O. Water is the queen of circulation and so is foam rolling P.S. Moving on a foam roller loosens and opens your muscle fascia (tight interwoven fibers) and causes more nutrient-rich blood to circulate through those fibers. We welcome you less cellulite.
Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

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