Thursday 3 April 2014

Black Twitter Goes off on Marie Claire For Cornrow Tweet Misstep.

Kendall Jenner Bold Braids
• The folks at Marie Claire recently caught wind of this new peculiar hair trend that Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Heidi Klum, and Ke$ha have been sporting. Get this–it’s braids… attached to your head! Who ever heard of such a strange style? The magazine sent out an unfortunate tweet with a photo of young Ms. Jenner rocking 5 cornrows on the side of her head, proclaiming that the reality star was taking “bold braids to a[sic] epic new level.” Kind of like how Bo Derek did back in 1979, right? At any rate, black Twitter never fails, and completely roasted Marie Claire for this serious misstep. Folks have been wearing cornrows (or as Marie Claire calls them, “undercut braids”) for centuries, obviously, and with the exception of Alicia Keys (who, oddly enough had the oldest picture in the entire gallery of celebs jumping on this ‘new’ trend) there were no black women featured in the post. Marie Claire soon tweeted an apology, “We didn’t mean to offend or imply that cornrows were new. Our tweet was poorly worded.” adding, “We thought her hair looked great and recognize women have been styling their hair like this for ages.” …. ok then! I’ll let you guys take this one. (Twitter)

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