Wednesday 17 June 2015

Burger King Reveals New Red Burger That's, Well, Red: Would You Eat It?!

Burger King Red Hamburger
Just when you thought "I couldn't eat another black hamburger," Burger King Japan is introducing a new fast food treat of a different color!
The burger company announced they are introducing a new "Aka Samurai Chicken" sandwich that has red buns, bright red cheese and a red sauce mad from miso and hot pepper.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Burger King added tomato powder to its buns and cheese to give the sandwiches their bright red color. The new Aka Samurai Chicken sandwich hits stores on July 3 and will cost $4.40.
The fast food chain is also introducing an Aka Samurai Beef burger that will also be red but with hamburger instead of chicken.

Black Burger, Burger King Burger King Japan
Burger King U.S. congratulated Japan on the new meal by tweeting, "Now that is a pretty, pretty burger, @BurgerKingJapan."
As for how customers are reacting, it's pretty mixed. Some Twitter users are replying with "gross" while others are saying "When are they bringing these to America I need pretty pattys in my life."
This isn't Burger King Japan's first off-color menu item. Last year they introduced a black burger with black buns and black cheese.
So would you say yum or yuck to a red hamburger?

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