Sunday 14 June 2015

Is A Small Wedding For You? 5 Big Reasons To Downsize Your Big Day

Newlywed Couple Walk Face-to-Face on a Beach, Accompanied by Bridesmaids and Best Man
Source: Digital Vision. / Getty
Growing up, countless women find themselves dreaming grand ideas about what their wedding will be like. Many envision that they’ll get to be princess for a day with their gorgeous gown, handsome hubby, great music, and TONS of people to celebrate the whole thing. But while big weddings are fabulous, we’ve got a few reasons you might want to go small for your big day
A lavish, grandiose affair is a beautiful thought, but there’s still there’s something really cozy and intimate about having a smaller wedding. Not to mention some seriously major benefits.
Check out our top reasons why a small wedding may be the best choice for you.

1. Saving Up For The Future
Weddings are lots of fun, but they are ridiculously expensive. According to, the average cost of wedding in the U.S. is a little over $31,000! Who’s got that kind of coin just lying around to blow on one day when you’re planning for “until death so us part”? Having a smaller wedding just might allow you to save some of that cash for a fabulous honeymoon, a downpayment on a home or any other huge future plans like starting a family.
2. Close Friends & Family Only
A wedding is supposed to be a celebration of love, and that means there’s really no room for anyone that isn’t supportive of the relationship between you and your partner. After inviting your immediate family and his, having a small wedding will really force you to think about every slot on your limited guest list. Do you really need to invite your neighbor’s cousin’s friend? The answer is probably not. The same goes for any of your more negative friends. Of course you love them, but you don’t want them killing your wedding vibe.

3. More Face Time
Have you ever been to a wedding where you barely get to see the bride and groom until the end of the night, when you said your goodbyes? It’s not that the bride is snubbing you (really, it’s not), it’s that she and her new hubby were probably still trying to make the rounds and greet everyone. Many brides complain about this very problem. Having a smaller guest list means that you might actually have time to greet all of your guests, give them more attention, and enjoy your special day with the people who mean the most to you.
4. You Can Still Make It High-End
If you splurging isn’t your biggest concern, then having less people at your wedding means you aren’t under quite as much pressure to cut costs. With a small guest list, you might actually be able to pull off some of your bigger ideas like a serving a gourmet buffet, a designer dress or having custom lighting. Or what about really bringing the theme of your wedding to life? Having a small wedding might even make it more possible to book a whole weekend of wedding events for you and your guests to enjoy!
5. You Have WAY More Options
Believe it or not, having a smaller wedding really opens you up to more possibilities for your big day. suggests that it might be easier to find the venue of your dreams because you won’t have to figure out the logistics of fitting 200 people into that enchanting beach house you’ve had your eye on. It’s also a lot easier to add some personal touches that really reflect the bride and groom, and planning for a smaller guest list is a lot more manageable.
Did you have a smaller wedding?

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