Thursday 11 June 2015

Is Your Body Beach-Ready? Here's Some Quick & Easy Tips For You

Beach Body
Source: Robbie Ann Darby /
What am I wearing? Bikini is from Lolë Activewear (Oahu Halter & Chana Bottom) and the sunglasses are from Woodzee (Alpine Recycled Oak Whiskey Barrel Sunglasses – Brown). 
Come on summer, let’s do this! Spring sprang by and now we are all like, “Wait is my body beach ready though?!” Since longer days will be here in about two weeks, I wanted to let you know that it’s not too late to get that beach body you put on your vision board in January. So don’t freak out, we’re about to work it out with these five easy, and I do mean easy fixes.

1. Do What You Love 
One sure way to kick your rear into beach ready gear is to sweat your heart out. Literally. Starting this very second, vow to not only sweat daily, but to enjoy every second of it. Not only is working out an excellent stress reliever, but studies show that people who partake in workouts that they enjoy are more likely to commit to a consistent regimen and thus see results quicker. So no more boring workouts ladies. Make it fun and get it done.
2. Don’t Ditch Your Diet
You can’t sweat your heart out and then turn around and eat your heart out beauties. In fact, if you only try one of these quick fixes, let it be this one. The equation for weight loss is simple, 1 + 1 = 2. Diet + Exercise = Results. However, that first one really should be #1  – your diet.
Many people grossly overestimate how many calories they are burning when they sweat and in turn convince themselves they “deserve” that extra cocktail or slice of pizza. So instead of seeing food as a reward, start viewing it as fuel. Prep your meals, pack your lunches, break up with Seamless and take full on ownership of what goes into your mouth. No cheat days, just great days of great healthy food. Change things up so you don’t get bored and watch how fun and flavorful nutritious eating can be.
3. Flatter Your Figure
Sometimes, it’s not your body that needs changing it’s that swimwear you take into the fitting room that needs an upgrade. Know your body and show off the areas you love the most. For instance, if you have perfect breasts, then you may not want to cover them up entirely with that trendy uni-ruffle bandeau top. Or if your legs are long and slim and your middle didn’t whittle this season as planned, then opt for a high cut bottom and a cinched middle with fun rouching. The key is to flatter your figure first, then hit up these other tips. You may find that that perfect beach body actually exists in that perfect suit.
4. Try On, Don’t Weigh In
Speaking of that perfect suit, let’s use that to track your progress, not the scale. Trying to lose X amount of pounds can be a stressful feat, so give yourself a break from being a slave to the number and commit to a feeling and a look. Mess around and you may find out that losing 10 pounds was unnecessary to truly look good in that figure flattering two piece. Work hard, sweat often, eat clean and try that perfect suit on every once in awhile. Those abs may be coming in, but you will never know if you are focused on the two pounds that your bathroom scale keeps taking off and putting back on overnight. Sneaky scales. Not the most reliable gauge since fluctuations are natural and real.
5. Think Thin
Last but certainly not least, the one thing that is most likely standing in the middle of your body today and the body you want on the beach is the space between your ears – your brain! The way you think can and will directly affect the results you see (or don’t see rather). Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. So say it loud and say it proud, “I can do this!” Better yet, “I DESERVE this!” A positive body image is something that must be fed daily, so when you do those morning meditations, throw in some kind words about your thighs, hips and belly. Next thing you know they will become what you believed they could be. It all starts in your mind Miss. Come on summer #LetMeBeRAD.

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