Wednesday 17 June 2015

Jamie Sangouthai's Friends Raising $15,000 to "Help His Mom Give Him a Proper Burial''

Jamie Sangouthai
Jamie Sangouthai's close friends have started a fundraiser to help cover the costs of his funeral.
A page was crated on Go Fund Me, explaining that funds would help bring Sangouthai home to "help his mom give him a proper burial."
"As most of you know, our good friend and CK classmate has passed away. Jamie Sangouthai will be missed by so many. Unfortunately, there aren't enough funds to bring him home," the page's creators Willie and Jonie Miranda explain.
"I spoke to his childhood friend Leo and we are doing a fundraiser to help his mom give him a proper burial. I'm asking all of our CK family to please help out. Whether it be in the form of a monetary donation, or prayers being said for his mom and family. Anything you can do will be greatly appreciated."

The message continued, "We would like to proceed with funeral arrangements as soon as possible. I'm sure we all stand behind the CKFamily when one of us is in need. Let's unite and bring Jamie home. God bless you all. If we reach the goal, please keep donating because his mother can use all the help she can get."
The page reached the halfway point of their goal of $15,000 in less than 24 hours, and pals Leo Penizzotto, Anthony Abruzzo and Michele Anne all jumped on to thank everyone for their generous contributions.
Lamar Odom's good friend passed away over the weekend at the age of 37.
Upon hearing the tragic news, Khloé Kardashian took to social media writing, "When does it stop? RIP Jamie Sangouthai."

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