Friday 12 June 2015

Love Lockdown: 5 Signs You Did That & He’s Not Going Anywhere

Cute Couple KissingSource: Cultura/Matt Dutile / Getty
At a certain point in your life, you will stop dating just to date. And when you get into a relationship that you think could go somewhere, you start looking for signs that your boo wants what you want–for it to go somewhere.

A lot of heartache is saved in the long-run when you and your partner are on the same page. When you both have different agendas, it will likely lead to frustration for the both of you. So if you’re putting your heart and soul into a relationship, here are some signs he’s right there with you.

1. He talks about the future with you in it.
If there is one sure-fire sign that shows a guy is interested in you long-term, it’s that he’s unafraid to think about his future with you in it. Men are notorious for being averse to commitment, in comparison to women. Now while I think this is a generalization, I don’t think it’s entirely untrue based on how differently men and women are socialized. All that is to say is if the guy is constantly talking about potential places for you both to travel to, an event you should plan to go in the next few months, etc., to means he sees himself still with you in that unknown future time frame. And that’s a good thing!
2. He regularly brings you around his friends and family.
Everyone has a different relationship with their family, and how to bring significant others around their family. Notwithstanding particular circumstances however, most people tend to only bring you around their families when they see you as becoming a part of that family. The truth of relationships is, once you meet your significant other’s family (and love them), you start to see them as your loved ones too. Knowing this, if a guy regularly brings you around his loved ones, take note because he wants you to form great relationships with them too.
3. He cares about and supports your professional and personal goals.
Someone who cares about being with you in a long-term relationship, cares about the things that make you feel happy and accomplished. And whether it’s understanding why you may at different times be short of bae time, or compromising about important things, and sometimes making sacrifices to make sure you have what you need, it shows they are definitely with you. Because people who want life long partners know that all relationships require sacrifice on some level. And when they want to be with you, they’re willing to make those sacrifices. (As you should too!)
4. He makes jokes about getting hitched, having children, etc.
Humor, like a few glasses of wine, tends to bring out some internalized truths that people want to tell you, but may not say outright. Now while he might not be suggesting that you run to the altar some time next week, making jokes about it is a good sign that he definitely sees you as someone he may want to meet at the altar some day in the near or distant future. So when you hear jokes that have to do with you and him doing very committed things in the long-haul, laugh away. He’s thinking about you in that context. And that’s a good thing.
5. He considers your opinion in all major decisions.
Someone who does not see you as their long-term partner, does not consider your opinions when they make important decisions. This is fact. From big decisions like where you both might want to live, to small, minor decisions like what color shoes to buy with his new suit, your opinion is relevant to them when you’re their potential long-term partner, and not just a stand-in. When someone includes you in being a part of the things that they are or want, know honestly that they want you to stay a while. Or a lifetime.

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