Wednesday 17 June 2015

Eva Mendes Spills Beauty and Fitness Secrets

Eva Mendes, Women's HealthBEN WATTS
Eva Mendes is spilling her secrets!
Mendes hosted a Facebook Q &A on Wednesday, where fans could ask and share beauty and fitness tips. So, if you want glowing skin like the mother of Ryan Gosling's child...
For instance, as far as staying healthy goes, Mendes says, "Drinking warm water and lemon every morning before my coffee and staying hydrated all day long really helps me stay healthy and helps my skin look its best."
And when the day is over, the Hitch star recommends a simple solution for removing your makeup: "Coconut oil on a damp washcloth."

1. Be Consistent in Your Workout: Mendes isn't one who will be in the gym every day, but writes, "I do cardio and light weights at least three times a week." Clearly she's figured out the right equation, because she looks amazing! When it comes to dieting Mendes encourages, "I think eating anything you want as long as it's in moderation is good."
2. Your Next Makeup Remover Is in Your Kitchen: That's right. A simple solution for removing your makeup sits in your pantry! Mendes says a great way to remove makeup is using "coconut oil on a damp washcloth." She admits, "I'm also on the coconut oil bandwagon. I use it all over."
3. Witches Aren't Just For Halloween: Okay, we're mainly playing on words here, but a real-life saver when it comes to oily skin? Mendes says witch hazel helps oily complexions.
4. Utilize Shower Steam: No, not for a facial, but for actually setting your makeup to ensure it lasts all day! Mendes says, "Believe it or not, after I've applied my makeup, if I really want it to stay all day, I run the hot shower for a minute and I let the steam settle my makeup. I know it sounds weird but it works for me!"
5. Don't Just Blush Your Cheeks: Most stick to their cheeks, but Mendes has an unexpected blush tip she got from her mom. "When applying blush or rouge of any kind, don't skip your nose. Make sure you apply it a little bit across your nose as well. It makes for a more natural, sun-kissed look." As far as the exact blush, Mendes uses one from her own line, CIRCA Beauty. "I use the color Portofino. It's amazing!"

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