Friday, 12 December 2014

Model Spotlight: Darius Williams.

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How about a little eye candy to cleanse your sartorial palette?
 Shreveport, Louisiana native Darius Williams, a 25-year-old who is currently the face of Polo Ralph Lauren.

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The former football player (who once had dreams of playing in the NFL) moved to New York with the dream of fronting a campaign for a major fashion house. He said, “I was dropped on Bowery street with $200 in my pocket and a suitcase full of summer clothes. And I had to find my way.
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Within 6 months, he accomplished his goal, shooting for the consummate American brand with famed photographer Bruce Weber.
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Now, he has dreams of moving to LA to pursue acting. He says, “I want to branch into the movie scene as the fresh faced, sexy, handsome black guy.”
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Do you think he has what it takes?
Take a look at a few flix here:
darius williams polo ralph lauren model fashion bomb daily
model fashion bomb dailySOUL-dariusWILLIAMS-IMG_4753
8 darius williams
darius williams model to watch
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One take away from our conversation: He said, “Once I commit to something, I never quit. Especially if I have that internal desire and fire. When people tell me I don’t know what I’m doing, or if they’re laughing…it doesn’t bother me. I’ve always known that I didn’t want to be the norm.” Alright!
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Keep an eye out for Darius, and also be sure to follow him on Instagram @Darius_Williams11.
What do you think?

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