Ambers and Kanyes and Khloes, Oh My!
This past week’s celebrity gossip was completely dominated by the ongoing and always entertaining Amber vs. Khloe vs. Blac Chyna vs. Tyga vs. Kanye, Kim K & Kylie feud. Since we spent so much time writing about it, we thought it might be good to take 20 minutes or so and break down how #TeamBeautiful was feeling about the whole mess, and it turns out, they’re unanimous– they’re all #TeamAmber. Several of them had never really given Amber Rose a second thought before last week, but they had to admit, something about that Breakfast Club interview just did it for them. They also really didn’t think she said anything particularly shady about the Kardashians, and they agree with her that Kylie needs to go to bed. A quick glance at their Twitter timelines and it appears that most Black women were secretly (or not so secretly) #TeamAmber, so i thought in order to be self-aware and fair, i should assess the matter. Check out the dialogue below between their Entertainment Editor,
Shamika Sanders; Editorial Fellow, Veronica Hilbring and their Weekend Editor, Jillian Bowe on why Black women are loving Amber Rose.
Veronica Hilbring: Amber Rose has been on the blogs for her twitter war with Khloe Kardashian & her break up with Wiz Khalifa. Despite all of this negative publicity, it seems that Black women across the board genuinely LOVE Amber Rose. Why do we think that is?
Jillian Bowe: I think women love Amber because she just is authentic. She owns everything she does and doesn’t make any bones about it.
Veronica Hilbring: Exactly. She seems like a homegirl just like the rest of us.
Shamika Sanders: I’m a Black woman and I think we love Amber Rose because she is so genuine and besides her gorgeous looks, she owns her reputation and can read a chick like NeNe Leakes really quick!
Veronica Hilbring: Her responses to Khloe were EPIC!
Shamika Sanders: She read Khloe for filth, Chile.
Jillian Bowe: Exactly! I get Khloe trying to defend her sister, that’s fine however she blew it all to hell when she tried to use her past stripping against her.
Shamika Sanders: I was purely entertained. I loved every moment of it because Khloe (as much as I love the Kardashian’s) thought she was going to get away with saying something slick. I don’t think she was expecting Amber’s response because people treat them like Gods. Coughs* Kanye. Coughs*
Veronica Hilbring: She must’ve thought she was dealing with someone else.
Jillian Bowe: Right. And Amber had to strip to support a family but Kylie’s dating (allegedly) Tyga for what? Khloe is my FAV Kardashian and she got answered good and proper.
Veronica Hilbring: Amber also knows people are going to have bad things to say about the way she lives her life & she doesn’t care. She’s being her own woman & it’s amazing to see.
Jillian Bowe: Exactly. She’s not pretending to be something she’s not. The K’s act as if they are some debutantes from a blue blood family. Their fame is from a porn tape and their connections to O.J. Simpson.
Veronica Hilbring: So many women are afraid to live their lives because they think someone will call them a hoe or a slut or whatever.
Jillian Bowe: Khloe tried to low-key slut shame Amber and it backfired.
Shamika Sanders: I also think Amber proved her point that Kylie shouldn’t be doing what she’s doing because she obviously knows that lifestyle. Amber was like, “yeah, I was stripper at 15 which is why I’m saying she needs to go to bed.”
Jillian Bowe: And she also proved the K’s are co-signing their 17-year-old sister’s “friendship” with a 25-year-old man. What does he have in common with a child?
Shamika Sanders: Agreed Jillian Bowe. They could have easily said, “Nope, Kylie isn’t dating Tyga.”
Veronica Hilbring: Do you guys think Black women rallied around Amber because what she said was right or because it was against the Kardashians?
Jillian Bowe: I think its both. I think they rallied because people are Kardashian/Jenner’d out. I also think they cheered Amber on because who are THEY to call Amber a slut? Their fam is due to a PORN TAPE and they act like they’ve cured Cancer. #NoMa’Am
Veronica Hilbring: Right. If Khloe would’ve simply said Amber was wrong then it wouldn’t have been this big blow-up. I’m not a fan of women calling other women hoes in general.
Shamika Sanders: I think Black women also love Amber because she’s so upfront
Veronica Hilbring: Exactly. She’s not trying to be anything that she’s not. She gets paid for being who she is.
Shamika Sanders: We can’t forget to mention that she partakes in “Black” activities. Lol. She was in Trinidad & Tobago for carnival.
Veronica Hilbring: I saw a lot of chatter about her down there too. The Smoking Section had a headline that said “Amber Rose is in Trindad doing the absolute most.
Jillian Bowe: Down there just doing a serious dutty whine on someone. LOVED IT!
Veronica Hilbring: I loved it too. I can’t wait to go down there & do the same thing. Rihanna did the same thing in Barbados a few years ago.
Shamika Sanders: often, mothers are shamed into thinking they can’t be sexy post-baby. Amber is like, “F that! You do not own my sex.”
Jillian Bowe: and I think Amber’s thinking a little bit like a mom. Even though she has a son, in my opinion, she’s thinking like, “if she were my kid I’d NOT have her around a 25 year old MAN!”
Veronica Hilbring: She’s also still fairly young. She’s only 31/ Her being sexy is part of her brand which is how she makes money. She continues to be a hustler for her family
Jillian Bowe: Yeah. She’s a mom but doesn’t mean she can’t get her sexy on and also attend PTA meetings.
Shamika Sanders: I also think her relationship with Wiz gave her an extra boost on her Black card. And she has a killer body that she embraced from the beginning of her career.
Veronica Hilbring: As I said earlier, she’s a slight role model in her own way.
Jillian Bowe: Amber is that friend from h.s that will ride shotgun and have your back on. I feel we can totally be besties.
What do you think Beauties, is it just us, or are you too feeling Amber Rose? Let us know in the comments!
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